Crodh air a’ Bhruaich

[read english version]

Tha crodh air a’bhruaich
Air a bhail’ againn fhìn
A bh’ann ri linn mo sheanair
Dubh, donn, agus ribhinn.
Toradh na talmhainn
Agus saothair chlann daoin,
Ag àiteach an fhearainn
Obair gaisgich nach staoin.

Tha na pàircean air an lìonadh,
Le gach luibh agus buis,
Far an robh coirce ‘s arbhar
Gheobhar drisean ‘s spruis.
Mar a thriallas na daoine
Thig a’choille ‘nan déigh
Ach fhathast air a’ bhaile seo
Gheobhar éich agus spréidh

‘S iomadh fear thug a West air,
Shìreadh cliu agus maoin
Nach d’fhuair e làn dùil
Ged a dh’fhàg e chuid dhaoin’
A bhios fuireach am feasd’ ann
Le a chridhe goirt, tinn
Ach tha crodh air a ‘bhruaich
Air a bhail’ againn fhìn.

The Glendale\River Denys area of Inverness County has produced
fine bards over the years. Goiridh Alastair Dhùghaill (Jeff
MacDonald) of 
Kingsville joins their ranks as a young poet who makes songs
his place of belonging. In this one Goiridh laments the need for
youth to find
employment "mach West," while the area’s farming tradition declines. He
points out with pride, however, that despite changes the MacDonalds
on the land their ancestors have held since arriving from Moidairt
and Airsaig
in the nineteenth century.

Background Vocals: Arranged and sung by Laurel MacDonald,
Spoken Word: Jeff MacDonald
Guitars: Gordie Sampson,Phil Strong,
Bass: Ed Woodsworh,
Bagpipes: John MacLean,
Tabla: Ravi Naimpally
Recorded at: Soundpark Studios (Irish Cove, N.S.) by Paul MacDonald
at Somnambulab by Phil Strong

Our Cattle Still Graze the Hill Side (Cattle On The Hill)
(composed by Goiridh Dòmhnallach)

The fields are overgrown with weeds
and bushes. Where oats and corn once were, now spruce
and brambles are found. As the people leave the forest
comes after them. But still, on this farm, you’ll find
horses and cattle.

The Glendale\River Denys area of Inverness County
has produced many fine bards over the years. Goiridh
Alastair Dhùghaill (Jeff MacDonald) of Kingsville joins
their ranks as a
young poet who makes songs celebrating his place of
In this one Goiridh laments the need for youth to find
employment "mach West," while the area’s farming
tradition declines. He points out with pride, however,
that despite changes the MacDonalds remain on the land
their ancestors have held since arriving from Moidairt
and Airsaig in the nineteenth century.

Background Vocals: Arranged and sung by Laurel
Spoken Word: Jeff MacDonald
Guitars: Gordie Sampson,Phil Strong,
Bass: Ed Woodsworh,
Bagpipes: John MacLean,
Tabla: Ravi Naimpally
Recorded at: Soundpark Studios (Irish Cove, N.S.) by
Paul MacDonald and at Somnambulab by Phil Strong