A Mhàiri Bhòidheach (Beautiful Mary)

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Fonn: A Mhàiri bhòidheach ‘s a Mhàiri ghaolach,

A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,

A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,

‘S a dh’fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t’ fhaotainn.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,

Gur tric mi ‘cuimhneachadh ort ‘s mi m’ònar,

Ged a shiubhlainn gach ceum dhe’n t-saoghal;

Bidh t’ iomhaigh bòidheach ‘tighinn beò gach taobh dhiom.

‘S truagh nach robh mi ‘s mo Mhàiri bhòidheach,

Ann an gleannan faoin ‘s ceò air;

Ged bu rìgh mi ‘s an Roinn-Eòrpa,

Chan iarrainn pòg ach o Mhàiri bhòidheach.

Ach chìthear féidh air sgéith ‘s na speuran,

‘S chìthear iasg air àird nan sléibhtean;

Chìthear sneachda dubh air gheugan,

Mum faicear caochladh tighinn air mo spéis dhut.

Guma slàn dha mo Mhàiri bhòidheach,

Ge b’e àite ‘s am bidh i ‘chòmhnaidh,

‘Se mo dhùrachd cho fad ‘s is beò mi,

Gum bidh gach sòlas aig Màiri bhòidheach.

A Màiri Bhòidheach is a song of unrequited love built on strong imagery.
The admirer Màiri has rejected places her on a pedestal of beauty and virtue.
Even though sorely disappointed, he concludes his verses with best wishes for
her happiness. It’s been a long time favourite among Gaelic singers in both
Scotland and Cape Breton. A Màiri Bhòidheach remains popular with singers
around the island.

Guitars: Brad Davidge, Gordie Sampson

Drums: Geoff Arsenault,

Bass: Ed Woodsworth,

Accordion: Kevin Gould,

Percussion: Phil Strong,

Recorded at: Soundpark Studios (Irish Cove,N.S.) by Jamie Foulds
and at Somnambulab by Phil Strong

Beautiful Mary
(A Mhàiri Bhòidheach)

Chorus: Oh beautiful Mary, darling
Oh beautiful Mary, my love for you is vast.
Oh beautiful Mary, you tormented me,
And left me unhappy with no means of winning your

Oh beautiful Mary, my love for you is
great. I often think of you when I’m alone. Although I
should travel the world over, I will see your living
image at every turn.

It’s a pity that beautiful Mary and I
weren’t in the little, lonely, mist covered glen.
Although I should rule all Europe, my only desire would
be a kiss from beautiful Mary.

Deer will be seen flying across the
skies, fish will be found high on mountain slopes and
black snow will be seen on tree branches before my love
for you will ever change.

All the best for my beautiful Mary,
wherever she may dwell. As long as I live, my wish is
that she will have every happiness.

A Màiri Bhòidheach is a song of unrequited love
built on strong imagery. The admirer Màiri has rejected
places her on a pedestal of beauty and virtue. Even
though sorely disappointed, he concludes his verses with
best wishes for her happiness. It’s been a long time
favourite among Gaelic singers in both Scotland and Cape
Breton. A Màiri Bhòidheach remains popular with singers
around the island.

Guitars: Brad Davidge, Gordie Sampson
Drums: Geoff Arsenault,
Bass: Ed Woodsworth,
Accordion: Kevin Gould,
Percussion: Phil Strong,
Recorded at: Soundpark Studios (Irish Cove,N.S.) by
Jamie Foulds and at Somnambulab by Phil Strong